Friday, September 19, 2008

slightly less-older friends

kalidah, monsters from "oz". i drew them up a while ago, but once again i returned to color them as portfolio pieces...
i really do love coloring up more of my work!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

old friends

did these for the toybiz HP pitch a million years ago... always liked them, so i colored them up for my games portfolio. my record of zero responses from any game or animation studio remains intact. yay!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

sneaky peek


it's funny how interesting things can look out of context. i'm often in the middle of moving layers or playing with levels on a file and i do something that is wrong and unusable, but still pretty. things that are never seen by anyone looking at the final art. so here are some bits from a digital painting that i like on their own...

Monday, September 1, 2008

yay me!

this is part of a bigger picture, but it's also
a bit from my civilization thing blah blah...

ALSO, i don't think the details have been made
public yet, but i have some exciting news! yay!
i will be working on a comic for DC, along the
lines of "batman: black and white" and "52". as
soon as it's okay, i will blab all.

yay! again.