Wednesday, March 12, 2008


hi all!

thanks for the comments, or just peeping in. right
now, i'm in the middle of a career change, so not a
lot of time for doodling.

although i'm fired up to finish some of these and
start a few things that go in an entirely different
direction. we went to the whitney biennial last week,
which was half interesting and half retarded. i refuse
to believe that we were seeing the best of the best in
new american modern art. i can think of plenty of
projects turned in by my fellow students in college
that were more original, more provocative, and even
better crafted than some of that junk.

unfortunately, modern "modern" art is like anime or
musical skits on SNL -- lots of potential, and every
once in a while someone does a great job, but it's
usually a waste of time.
which is more obvious when you go to the MoMA and see
work by klee, miro, gaughan (sp?), picasso, and esp-
ecially after seeing their UNBELIEVABLE lucian freud
exhibit. lots of fun, and lots of ideas for me...

anyhoo... last week i did a little more of that hulk,
here it is in it's glory. also, you can see tons of
my illustrations and designs dumped here:

a lot of it is old, some of it is new.

see you next time!