and to cater to the underserved panda-gangsters-and-haunted-casinos demographic, archaia has released the dare detectives mostly first case, "the snowpea plot".
the 208-page trove of wonders will be available at bookstores on the 19th, just in time to buy your special someone 2 copies for christmas! why 2 copies? because that's twice as much money for me, and that 100ft tall robot mme. bleu isn't going to build itself!
it was going to be 102 feet, but that would have been ridiculous
so to celebrate, i'm going to post dare art each day for the 12 dare days of christmas. each will be high-res, so feel free to download them, print them out, make them into screensavers, sneak them into your portfolio, etc.
ps - if you hate bookstores, "the snowpea plot" will also be on sale at comics store on the 28th. of course, by then the books will all be sold out, and people will be using page 183* as a new and indestructible national currency, so don't miss out!
ben c
ps -- aaah... fergit it, i can't wait that long! it'll just have to be 18 dare days of christmas. or 11. whatever, i draw ninjas specifically so that i don't have to math stuff!
*ha ha, i'm just kidding. it's going to be page 185.
Sweet, Ben! I've been looking forward to this for some time!
Who's the publisher, Ben?
I can't wait! Also, love the new site design!
I'm looking forward to it! :D
I can hardly wait
hi all!
unknown - archaia
i'm getting a preview any day, can't wait!
Will it be available from Amazon, or B&N at all? I didn't see it on the Barnes & Noble site.
Never mind! Found it, ordered it. Too bad I won't get it til Jan 3 though. But I'll have it!
yes, i don't know why it'll be available online LATER than it will be available in stores, but oh well.
(on the other hand, online might be cheaper.)
Picked up the book -- the presentation and printing are SOOOooo much better than the old paperbacks :)
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