Monday, July 12, 2010

you've got to be kidding me

my computer crashed, so i will be digitally handicapped for the next week. (i'm typing this on my wife's dell, which is made out of drainpipes and wishful thinking.) the good news is that i have a million super-important, possibly career-altering things going on this week, and no way to do them! the bad news is that... well, that pretty much covers it.

also, in what is becoming a yearly tradition, i JUST got a propass for SDCC, which means i have no idea where i'm going to stay. looking for a hotel, but if anyone has a free corner on the floor of their room and would like a few bucks, let me know!

better go before this computer crashes. argh.

ps - no, really. floors are very underrated.


  1. Feel free to ship that thing to NorCal and I'll fix it for free.

  2. Your fans from brazil wishs you to survive the crash crysis!

  3. hey man, good to hear you will make it to SDCC, I'll see you down there! we can have a beer.

    And I might be able to help you out with accomodation maybe, I will have to check with the people I am staying with though



  4. BALLS, I say!

    My PC used to crash or have some other major crisis about once a year. Usually in summer. Haven't had any problems with the Mac yet, knock on wood.

    I'll keep an eye out for you at Comic-Con! Maybe I'll have something for you to sign this year.

